Solidarnostno sporočilo EPSU ob katastrofalnih poplavah

S strani Evropske konfederacije sindikatov javnega sektorja EPSU, katere članica je tudi KSS PERGAM, smo prejeli sporočilo solidarnosti in podpore vsem slovenskim delavcem, ki so jih prizadele katastrofalne poplave.  Objavljamo vsebino pisma:

Message of Solidarity from EPSU

Dear Colleagues,

The devastation of the disaster in Slovenia is becoming clearer now. Our thoughts are with the people who have been hit so squarely and with the families, friends and co-workers of those who died and who got injured.

We salute the work of the firefighters, emergency workers and first responders who did and do their utmost to safe people, to care for them and ensure their safety and wellbeing. And many workers and many in the population have shown their solidarity with those effected.

The disaster reveals the enormous damage to the infrastructure, from roads and bridges to hospitals, schools and homes for the elderly. It will take time to rebuild and make Slovenia more resilient against such disasters. We expect the EU to show its solidarity and assist in this effort.

We think of you all and wish you strength and courage in this difficult moment.

In Solidarity,


EPSU General Secretary